When dealing with academic misconduct, the University takes several circumstances into account and will impose penalties accordingly.
We understand that responding to an allegation can be stressful, so we’ve put together some guidance on how best to do so.
As a first step, you'll need to choose from the following three options:
- Dispute the allegation and also make representations against the level of the penalty imposed. Where a student does not explicitly request an oral hearing, the case will be considered by way of written representations; or,
- Accept the allegation and make written representations only as to level of penalty imposed; and
- Complete, sign and return the Academic Misconduct Appeal Form attaching any evidence in support of their statement, to the Student Casework Office.
If you choose to respond to the allegation you must:
Explain your situation as honestly as possible
Provide relevant and supporting evidence for your case.
explain why you think this will adversely impact you in your current situation (for example, progression).
Suggest changes that you will make to your academic practices in the future to avoid possible further allegations. This may include familiarising yourself with the referencing guides and taking part in the compulsory academic misconduct tutorial.
Stage 1: Appeal
Students have 10 working days from the date of receiving an allegation letter to submit a written response, alongside evidence, to the Student Casework office via email to casework@londonmet.ac.uk. Any responses received after that will not be considered unless you can provide a credible reason, alongside evidence, as to why it is late.
In the first stage of the appeals process, you’ll need to complete the University’s Academic Misconduct Appeal Form, including as much information as possible in your statement (see above)
Once you have submitted your appeal, the Student Casework office will confirm receipt and provide a date by which you will receive an outcome.
If you’re unhappy with the outcome, you have the opportunity to Request a Review, which is the second and final stage of the University’s appeal process.
Stage 2: Appeal
When requesting a review of your appeal, you’ll need to complete the University’s Academic Misconduct Request for Review Form and ensure to respond directly to any points raised by the University in your outcome letter.
The outcome letter will state any reasons why your appeal was rejected, so you will need to explain why you dispute these reasons.
If you have acquired any further evidence in support of your appeal, you can submit this during the second stage of the appeal process, but you will also need to provide a reason for why the evidence was not submitted previously.
The deadline to submit your second-stage appeal will be stated in your outcome letter.
The University’s information regarding Academic Misconduct, and the relevant forms and procedures, can be found here.