Extra support

At the Advice Service, we can support you through the Appeals procedure. Here’s how we can help:

  • Checking your grounds of appeal

  • Answer questions about evidence and how to obtain this

  • Draft-checking - you can submit your completed draft appeal form and evidence to us, and one of our advisors will get back to you with some feedback before you submit your appeal to the Student Casework office

  • Help with responding to a rejected first-stage appeal

  • Using later stages of the appeal process, or taking your case to the OIA


Support services:

If you’re experiencing ill health or any other difficult circumstances, we’d recommend seeing your GP to talk things through.


If you think a supporting letter will benefit your appeal, an appointment with your GP is a good time to ask whether the doctor can provide one for you. You should ask them to confirm details of appointments, symptoms and any diagnosis or details of treatment. 


If you’re struggling with stress or feeling low, we recommend getting in touch with the University’s Counselling Service here for support, and checking out our wellbeing section here


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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail studentsunion@londonmet.ac.uk or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages. studentsunion@londonmet.ac.uk