Academic Integrity and Honesty

What does Academic Integrity and Honesty mean?

Academic Integrity and Honesty are key concepts that form the foundation of what it means to ‘be academic’ (i.e., following academic conventions), and ‘being academic’ is the key to succeeding in a University setting, whether you want to pursue a career in academia or not. 

By developing a clear understanding of academic integrity and honesty we can reduce the prospect of inadvertently committing academic misconduct such as cheating, plagiarism and collusion.


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Old Castle Street

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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.