
Referencing can be a scary task but, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. In the same way an essay has a structure so does a reference: it's all about formatting.

⇒Referencing is is also critical to avoiding plagiarism! Read more on avoiding plagiarism here.

Most of the time you will reference the same kinds of sources such as books and journal articles. But there are many types of sources, and each of them requires different information. 

Referencing tools

Below are some links to help you with each specific referencing style used at LondonMet:

  1. APA (American Psychological Association)
    Look through OWL Purdue's great webpage on APA citation.
  2. Harvard
    Read Mendeley’s quick guide
    Read LondonMet’s quick guide
  3. MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association)
    Read Cardiff University quick guide
  4. OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities)
    Read Cardiff University quick guide

Here are some more referencing resources from the university to help you and don’t forget your Academic Mentors can also provide useful resources for referencing according to your course style.

  • Softwares:
    You can also save your sources in software that can help you with referencing. The most used ones are Zotero and Mendeley.


REMEMBER, although software can be useful and generate citations for you, they do make mistakes, so you should still be aware of how to reference correctly!


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