Safety, Welfare and Wellbeing

Trigger Warning

Please, be aware some of the content from this page and its tabs might be triggering to some individuals. It is adviced to navigate with caution.

If you feel triggered by any of the content here and need help, go here for External Support Services, some of which are 24/7. 

The Advice Service understands the difficulties faced by students and is here for you during your difficult periods. The Students’ Union and the University are here to provide the support you need. We have included useful information, guides, links and events to help support your well-being.

If you need any further support or have any questions, please fill out our contact us form or you can email us directly at


Top tips to look after your wellbeing

Here are a few tips you could try to improve your overall health:

  1. Create and maintain a schedule

  2. Meditate

  3. Get some fresh air regularly 

  4. Communicate your concern to family and friends

  5. Don't drink alcohol in excess

Having healthy and well-balanced meals and drinking enough water improves both your physical and mental health. It helps you stay positive, boosts your mood and helps you to think clearly. You can always bring a reusable bottle to the university, and you can fill up your water bottle at one of the stations listed below:

  1. Blue Met Lounge (Holloway)

  2. The Junction (Holloway)

  3. The Atrium (Aldgate)

  4. Students' Union (Holloway)

Get plenty of rest

Taking the time to relax is very important, as with everyday life taking a hold we can forget to do this. Taking regular breaks throughout the day to just relax will help you improve your mood and help you manage your stress levels. It is always good to take time out and just focus on yourself.

You should go for a long walk, listen to music or even relax in bed and read a book. Everyone has their own ways of relaxing so you should find something that works for you. The Students’ Union provides a space for you to relax, play some games or even have your lunch.

Keep active

Keeping active is a great way to improve your overall fitness. Studies have shown that exercising can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication. It helps relieve your stress and tension through the release of endorphins. Looking after your physical health can help reduce stress, we encourage all students to take part in the activities provided by the university's Fitness and Wellbeing team. You can book yourself into classes or gym sessions.

You can find a list of the available classes by clicking here.

Be Mindful

By being mindful we don’t mean just meditating (and yes, meditation can also help improve mindfulness), but we also mean being mindful of others and being non-judgemental towards your peers. Taking the time out to understand others and yourself, being able to be as reflective as possible. 

Why is it important?
  1. Build a deeper connection / Stronger relationships

  2. Understanding your peers better

  3. Better mood

  4. Stress reduction

  5. Better focus

Talk about it

Talking about what is on your mind can be a healthy release. The university offers a counselling service, this includes emotional support.

They also provide additional opportunities for personal development by organising workshops on various personal issues including exam anxiety, relaxation, stopping smoking, stress management, motivation, and goal setting.

Please, reach out if you need someone to talk to, you can book an appointment by emailing



If you need any more support or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or our contact us form.


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Old Castle Street

London, UK

E1 7NT

United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.