Awards Winners

After careful consideration from the award panels, 21 excellent winners of the 2024 SU Awards have finally been chosen and the winners announced at the SU Summer Gala on 23rd May. Let's have a look at all our winners and some words about them from the panel members!


Democracy Awards


Student Council Member of the Year Award

Pranvi Gupta

Pranvi Gupta

MSc Public Health

Student Rep for School of Social Sciences and Professions

Deputy Chair of Student Council


Why did Pranvi win this award?

This student has excelled in terms of the enthusiasm, commitment, reliability and hard work they have given their Student Council membership. They have engaged enthusiastically in the training provided, asked for help when needed and been pro-active in terms of getting the job done. They have stepped up on more than one occasion this year, taken on duties not initially anticipated and have willingly taken a leadership role in different areas of the SU. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with and been a key factor in the success of the Student Council this year.


Student Rep of the Year Award

Biagio Bonadies

BSc Health and Social Care

Student Rep

Student Coach


Why did Biagio win this award?

This student has been commended for their approachable manner and going 'above and beyond' in terms of representing students in their cohort and their contribution to London Met this year. They have been described by those nominating them as a 'guiding light for our year group', 'caring, selfless and helpful' and someone who has significantly contributed to a strong community spirit. They have acted as Student Rep for three years and exemplify the Students' Union and University approach to student voice as one of 'Students as Partners' through, for example, chairing Course Committee Meetings and taking a leading role in study sessions. One student noted, "if I can nominate them a million times, I would." This students is fully deserving of the award of Student Rep of the Year.


Student Activities Awards


Student Group of the Year Award

Metropolitan Architecture Student Society (MASS)

Metropolitan Architecture Student Society (MASS)


Why did MASS win this award?

This student group has been active since 2017, with the group baton taken up by new students as they join and their predecessor’s graduate. The group has gone from strength to strength over the years and have provided a public platform for our students' voices on several pressing issues. As one nominator commented:

"They ensure that these important issues are kept to the fore in a way that is both provocative and educational and will enable our students to be agents of change when they graduate"

This group also organised the speakers, produced posters, advertised online, and chaired a series of lectures, which they then recorded and published online. They also arranged a number of visits and social gatherings throughout the year and collected feedback from students to support the running of the course.


New Student Group of the Year Award

Nigerian Society

Nigerian Society


Why did Nigerian Society win this award?

This Student Group has made significant strides in supporting its members' growth. They have organised a range of events enhancing cultural awareness and fostering community in London Met, highlighting their own cultural heritage and contributing to an inclusive and vibrant environment for all students within the London Met community. As one nominator highlighted:

"This group exemplifies the values we cherish as an educational institution — innovation, inclusivity, and community engagement. Their quick adaptation to student needs and effective programming have set a high benchmark for future groups."


Verve Media Member of the Year Award

Stefani Mineva

Stefani Mineva


Why did Stefani win this award?

This student has made a great impact in restarting one of the Verve Media channels after it had not been running for several years. Their ambition and determination have resulted in producing and creating content for the Students' Union, The University and for external charities. They were described by those nominating them as being both "kind and hardworking" and as someone who has fostered a "creative community".


Student Group Leader of the Year Award

Fahmida Yesmin

Student Group Leader of the London Metropolitan Bangladeshi Society


Why did Fahmida win this award?

This student is described by those who nominated them as being someone who works hard for the community in which they serve as well as being someone who is good at engaging with all London Met students. They organised a very successful cultural programme that brought people together and nominators have noted how this helped them to feel more at home and overcome their homesickness. They are also described as being:

"very helpful and kind...with every student, whenever and wherever they need assistance"


Best Student Group Event of the Year Award

Iftar Gathering

Iftar Gathering


Why did Iftar Gathering win this award?

This event was held in collaboration with 6 different student societies, the Students’ Union, and the Centre of Equity. The event hosted over 200 students and provided both information and food as well as promoting interfaith understanding and unity, and offering opportunities for meaningful connections with others of diverse backgrounds The panel felt that this event was something to celebrate as it involved such amazing teamwork to make the event such a success.


Students’ Union Awards


Student Partnership Award

LondonMet's First COIL programme (Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning)

London Met's First COIL programme

(Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning)

Represented by Tiziana Segretario

Criminology and International Security student


Why did London Met's First COIL programme win this award?

The panel felt that the scope and ambition of the winning partnership project truly embodies what makes us proud to be part of LMU. As one nominator commented, the collaboration on this project:

"demonstrated the wonderful diversity of LMU students and their range of skills and lived experiences in a collegiate, fun and engaging way"


Community Volunteer of the Year Award

Abigail Williams


Why did Abigail win this award?

This volunteer has gone above and beyond to help individuals within the community. By exuding their passion for reading, they help to instil a love of reading in our community. They also help to foster an environment where those benefitting from services feel empowered by giving them praise and positive feedback which has a big impact on their confidence as well as their reading and writing abilities. The organisation who this student volunteers with also added that this individual:

"...embodies the qualities of an outstanding volunteer: dedication, passion and a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of others"


Outstanding Contribution to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award

Donna Jones

Donna Jones

Head of Subject

Challenge Champion Lead – Discrimination, Centre of Applied Research Empowering Society


Why did Donna win this award?

The winner of this award has been described as an “inspirational figure who embodies the very best of London Met”. They have shown great initiative and leadership by being the driving force in creating a safe space on campus open to both students and staff. They have demonstrated that they centre inclusion and the London Met community at heart, by bridging a gap in what London Met offers and leading a safe space for people to socialise. They have shown great leadership, passion and care for social justice by going beyond what is required from them and is a “concrete statement of London Met's commitment to EDI”. This safe space is very valuable to members of the London Met community and this person will inspire others in making our community more inclusive for everyone.


Unsung Hero Award

Raymond Lui

Network and Security Analyst - Information and Technology Services


Why did Raymond win this award?

The impact that this person has on the whole University is undoubtable. They are described as a dedicated problem solver that always puts students first. As one nominator said "very few people will directly see the work that (they do), but their work is incredibly significant with all the services the University has to offer." Thank you so much for everything you do for us all.


Outstanding Contribution to the Students’ Union Award

Margarita Damai

Margarita Damai

Biomedical Sciences student

Women Officer at London Met Students’ Union

President of the Albanian Society

President of the Scientific Society

Verve New Lead and Creative Producer

Secretary of the Music Society

Treasurer of the Italian Society


Why did Margarita win this award?

In choosing the winner for this award, the panel were impressed by the sheer breadth and depth of impact our winner has had on both the Students' Union and students. It was evident from the number and quality of nominations that our winner is an outstanding advocate for the SU - supporting and encouraging others to be an active part of our student community. Our winner has run countless events, started long lasting projects and initiatives, been a powerful advocate for student voice and continually works to build communities at LMU.

Some of the comments from nominators included:

"They are everywhere, always running from one side to the other to manage all their responsibilities. It is possible to notice that they give 100% of themself to the London Met SU."

"It was because of them that I started to go to the SU and opened my own society!"

"- a warm and familiar face who is always there to advocate for the SU! i could never image the SU without them and their welcoming voice!"


Academic and Professional Services Awards


Outstanding Academic Member of Staff Award – School of Art, Architecture and Design

Jasmine Al-Aidi

Print Technical Demonstrator


Why did Jasmine win this award?

From an outstanding field of nominations, this nominee has been selected for embodying our London Met values and mission in delivering an transformative and equitable education. Student comments pointed to the nominees passion for their field and inspirational teaching style. As one nominator commented:

(They are) "...clearly very passionate about their craft and that passion is infectious. I've only ever left (their area) with more ideas and inspiration than when I entered."


Outstanding Academic Member of Staff Award – Guildhall School of Business and Law

Washington Mhangami

Deputy Head (EOM)


Why did Washington win this award?

From an outstanding field of nominations, this nominee has been selected for their dedication to students and the student experience, which came out very strongly from the nominations. This colleague unashamedly brings their whole selves into their work. From their industry expertise, innovative practice, compassion, humanity and global perspective - this nominee is focused on giving their students an exceptional experience. As one nominator commented:

(They are) "...not just a teacher; they are a driving force behind our learning journey"


Outstanding Academic Member of Staff Award – School of Computing and Digital Media

Andrew Humphries

Andrew Humphries

Lecturer in Film and Television Production


Why did Andrew win this award?

From an outstanding field of nominations, this nominee has been selected for building a learning community in which students feel seen, valued, supported and included - embodying the values of London Met. The panel found is very difficult to decide the overall winner, however this nominee keeps learning, fun and engaging, bringing real world experience into the classroom, even in the most stressful of times. As one nominator commented:

"University might feel like a system and a set of rooms but (this person) turns it into a kaleidoscope of diversity and inclusivity allowing for communities to thrive"


Outstanding Academic Member of Staff Award – School of Human Sciences

Dr. Bhaven Patel

Dr. Bhaven Patel

Reader in Organic Chemistry

MSci/BSc Pharmaceutical Science Course Leader, School of Human Sciences


Why did Dr. Bhaven win this award?

From an outstanding field of nominations, this nominee has been selected for their student-centred approach to learning in the classroom, and utilising excellent learning and teaching practice to positively impact students and the University. Students commended this nominee for contributing positively to the University's reputation. As one nominator commented:

(They are) "...surely an asset to London met, we need more like them."


Outstanding Academic Member of Staff Award – School of Social Science and Professions

Amanda Powling

Amanda Powling

Senior Lecturer in Secondary Teacher Education (MFL)


Why did Amanda win this award?

From an outstanding field of nominations, this nominee has ben selected as an exemplary colleague with students providing evidence of their inspiring and motivating approach to teaching and student support. This colleague is making a real difference and having an impact on their students, as well as empowering students to make a difference in their own fields and passions. Students valued the passion, respect and genuine care they have shown them. As one nomiator said:

"They are passionate about their subject, and is the most human teacher I have come across... They genuinely care about their students, want the best for them, and they make me (want) to go an extra mile in everything I do"


Outstanding Academic Member of Staff Award – School of the Built Environment

Dr Mohammed Alaqad

Dr. Mohammed Alaqad

Course Leader (MSc Construction Project Management)

Construction Management Lecturer


Why did Dr. Mohammed win this award?

From an outstanding field of nominations, this nominee has been selected for their innovative teaching methods, commitment to student success, and impactful research activities. Comments for this nominee pointed to a skill in inspiring, motivating and mentoring students to achieve their best, as well as their enthusiasm for their discipline. As one nominator commented:

"Their ability to inspire and engage students, coupled with their willingness to go above and beyond to ensure student understanding and growth, makes them a standout educator."


Academic Mentor of the Year Award

Laura Perry

Laura Perry

Academic Mentor for Health Sciences, School of Human Sciences


Why did Laura win this award?

The winner of Academic Mentor of the year had multiple nominations praising them (among other things) for being extremely caring and empathetic, reinvigorating and encouraging students, an unwavering dedication to students' academic progression, selflessly devoting themself to guiding and empowering students to achieve their academic goals. Their approach was celebrated not just for providing answers but also fostering critical thinking, encouraging exploration, and instilling confidence in their mentees. In the words of one nominator, this winner "stands out as a beacon of inspiration and support."


Tutee (Student) of the Year Award

Sofia Amaral Antunes

Sofia Amaral Antunes

BSc Criminology and Policing


Why did Sofia win this award?

The winner of Tutee of the Year Award has been described as an inspiration to their peers and the teaching staff over the entire course of their three years of study, during which they have been relentlessly positive and enthusiastic, despite their substantial care and work responsibilities. Despite not always finding academic work easy, the winner has persevered with determination and is currently writing a powerful final year thesis. Bringing infectious positivity and humour into every situation they are described as "a real example of what is great about London Met!"


Outstanding Member of Professional Services Staff (non-academic) Award

Denise Morrison

Denise Morrison

Teaching and Learning Coordinator

Former President of London Met Students’ Union (2022-2023)


Why did Denise win this award?

This person is described as being a role model for many women at LMU. The panel were impressed by the clear impact that they have on students - both in formal and informal settings - supporting, motivating and their sheer hard work. As one nominator said:

"They have a greater vision to help more people achieve their potential through education and they go all out to contribute to breaking barriers"










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