Full-time Officers

Elections - Full Time Officers

Full Time Officer positions are paid and you can either take a year out of your studies to be one or become one immediately after the end of your course.  There are four Full Time Officer positions, each focusing on a different remit within the Students’ Union. 


The President of the Students’ Union is often considered the main ‘face’ of the organisation.  The role of President doesn’t have a specific portfolio, you will choose the areas that you wish to focus on, this means that each year the President’s role could be different depending on who gets elected, but some key parts of the role are:


  • To support and lead the Officer team, and be Deputy Chair of the Students’ Union Trustee Board.

  • Represent and engage with students of all types of study, across campuses

  • To achieve your priority goals in line with your manifesto and chosen projects

  • Be the key day-to-day contact for the Students’ Union CEO and the University Senior Leadership team

VP Activities & Opportunities 

This role exists to represent and support the student body in matters relating to student opportunities, including student activities, events, volunteering, employability and other student-led activities that enhance the student experience at London Met. The VP Activities and Opportunities Officer will ensure students at London Met have opportunities to meet people, form communities and develop skills.  They will work towards ensuring that all students at London Met have fair and equal access to opportunities, in collaboration with the VP Equity and Welfare Officer. 

VP Education

This role exists to represent and support the student body in terms of their education, ensuring that student views are heard and students are involved in key decisions that affect the academic learning experience of students at London Met. The VP Education officer will support both undergraduate and postgraduate students and elected representatives and ensure that all students at London Met receive the highest quality standard of teaching and learning. You will work towards ensuring that the curriculum is inclusive for all students, in collaboration with the VP Equity and Welfare Officer.

VP Equity & Welfare

This role exists to represent and support the student body on issues relating to welfare, including mental health, wellbeing and safety, and to represent and support students from marginalised groups, such as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students, students of faith, LGBTQ+ students, women students, trans students, non-binary students, students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds and students with disabilities.

The VP Equity and Welfare Officer will ensure that each and every student has adequate support for issues that they might encounter as a student at London Met and ensure that London Met is a welcome, open, inclusive and accessible environment for all students to study. They will represent and support student welfare both on and off campus, working to support student initiatives linked to these issues. They will seek to understand the nuances and experiences of every marginalised group, especially those they don’t belong to, and work towards removing barriers to participation and success for students from these groups and backgrounds, and promote a more diverse and inclusive experience while at university. 



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Old Castle Street

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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail studentsunion@londonmet.ac.uk or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages. studentsunion@londonmet.ac.uk