
Candidate for the position of President 2024-25



Wouldn't let you struggle

Hi, I’m Kunal Samdhyan and I’m running for the role of SU president. I have completed Master of Science in year 2022-2023 and now started my own import business. The only reason I am standing for SU president Elections is that in my journey as an international student at LMU I felt few things are not right and needs to be changed for all international students. I had to resubmit my dissertation as I couldn’t make it in first time, but the dissertation resubmission was after my student visa expires. I have requested a lot to all possible departments of university but neither they gave me early resubmission, nor the visa extension and it’s not only me there were a lot of my classmates with same situation, and we struggled a lot to make things work for us and I don’t want you all to struggling for the same therefore if I become the SU President.

  • I promise that I am going to fight against these resubmission dates after student visa expiry and all of you will be able to complete your course within your student visa time period if you wouldn’t make it in first time in any module.
  • I promise that I will fight against the hefty fees which university charge if someone has to resit module. I believe there should be no fees if you already paid it.
  • I promise you all to give a roadmap of your studies and tips about what need to be done to pass your assignments and exams in first time in order to complete the study in visa time period and to get graduate visa in time. As me and my friends had no one to give us this roadmap and tips in the beginning of our studies.


All Students can vote by visiting elections webpages:

              Voting is open from Monday 4th March 9.00pm to Friday 8th March 2.00pm

You can also vote at Polling Stations in the Blue Met Lounge at University.



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