
Candidate for the position of VP Education 2024-25



Together we will thrive


Hello, fellow students of London Met,

I am Fahmida Yesmin, pursuing my MSc in Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Delivery Systems. My active involvement as a student council member has given me a deep understanding of students' needs and how to represent them effectively. Additionally, my prior role as the Vice President of Welfare at my previous institution has equipped me with a deep understanding of student welfare. Through my role as a Student Representative 2023-2024, I have gained valuable insights into students' various issues, and I want to address these concerns. Now, I am running for the position of Vice President of Education. If I win the election, I promise to create positive student experiences through the following manifesto pledges:

1. Safeguarding Academic Interests: I will diligently safeguard your academic interests by regularly discussing with the SLT (Senior Leadership Team).

2. Assessment Campaign: I will launch a comprehensive campaign to create awareness about assessment systems and provide support through a program called "Meeting with Assessment Heroes." Assessment heroes are individuals who have achieved the highest grades in assessments.

3. Support Network: I will run a campaign to raise awareness about the role of personal academic tutors and academic mentors in guiding students towards academic success.

4. Free Printing: I will strive to establish free printing facilities for all students, making academic materials more accessible to everyone.

5. Post-Graduation Support: I will organize workshops on graduate (PSW) visa applications, job applications, CV writing, and other essential skills to empower students as they transit into the workforce after graduation.

6. Resource Enhancement: I will ensure students can access the latest resources, including desktops, printers, books, and up-to-date software on and off campuses.

7. Mental Health Support: I will implement regular mental health workshops and counseling services to help students cope with exam pressure and university life adjustments.

8. Aid for international students: I will try to improve financial aid options for international students (including tuition fee installment plans), ensuring they can focus on their studies without stress.

So, vote for me as VP of Education and give me a chance to enhance your positive student experiences at London Metropolitan University.


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N7 8DB

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Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.