
Candidate for the position of President 2024-25



"Catalyze Change, Elevate Excellence"

Respected Staff, Dear Friends and Fellow Students,

I extend a warm greeting to each one of you, filled with excitement and dedication as I step forward to offer myself as a candidate for the presidency of our beloved London Metropolitan University. My name is Deepika Ravichandran, and I am currently pursuing my MSc. in Food Science. Through my journey here, I've come to cherish the vibrant spirit of our university community, and it's with this spirit that I approach the opportunity to serve you all.

1.     Amplifying Student and Staff Voices: Your voices are the essence of our university's vitality. I believe deeply in the power of listening and understanding, committed to creating spaces where every student's and staff member's voice, regardless of its volume, finds resonance and significance. Let's ensure each idea, concern, and aspiration contributes to shaping our collective future.

2.     Supporting Academic Growth: Education is about nurturing growth and empowerment. As your president, I pledge to enhance academic support services, ensuring every student and staff member has the resources and guidance needed to thrive. Let's create a supportive environment where everyone's potential can flourish.

3.     Embracing Technological Advancements: Innovation is key to our growth and success. Let's embrace technological advancements to enhance learning experiences and foster innovation across campus. By staying at the forefront of progress, we can equip ourselves for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

4.     Cultivating Inclusive Community Engagement: Our university's strength lies in its diversity, making it a vibrant community. Let's celebrate differences and forge inclusive connections by strengthening ties with the local community. Through collaborative initiatives and partnerships, students and staff can extend our reach, fostering understanding, empathy, and a sense of belonging for all while making a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us.

5.     Prioritizing Well-being: Your well-being is paramount. Let's prioritize mental health and wellness, creating a supportive campus environment where every member feels seen, heard, and supported. Together, let's promote a culture of self-care and compassion, ensuring everyone can thrive.

"Being president means being a catalyst for your dreams and future". In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for considering me as your candidate for president. Together, with your support and collaboration, we can build a future for London Metropolitan University defined by inclusivity, opportunity, and collective success.

Warm regards,

Deepika Ravichandran
MSc. Food Science, Presidential Candidate for London Metropolitan University


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Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

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