
Candidate for the position of VP Activities and Opportunities 2024-25



Together We Succeed!

My dear fellow students, my name is Patricia Lebbie, and I am running as a candidate for VP of Activities and Opportunities. I am a final year Computer Science student.

As a candidate for the position of Vice President of Activities and Opportunities, I would be deeply committed to enhance your university experience by providing diverse and engaging opportunities outside the lecture room. My aim is centred around three key foundations:

1. Innovation:

Introduce new and creative events and activities that cater to a wide range of interests and preferences, fostering a dynamic and vibrant campus community.

Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and the integration of arts, science, and humanities in extra-curricular activities.

2. Inclusivity:

Establish an inclusive environment where every student valued and represented regardless of their background, interests, and abilities.

Collaborate with cultural, religious, and interest-based student organizations to ensure their voices are heard and their views are supported.

Implement initiatives to promote diversity and inclusivity within all student-led activities, and ensure they are accessible to all.

3. Empowerment:

Provide resources and support for students-led initiatives, empowering students to take ownership of their university experience and make a positive impact on campus.

Enhance leadership development opportunities, including workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs to equip students with skills and confidence to lead and succeed.

Advocate for student rights and welfare, to ensure that their voices are heard, and their needs are met at all levels of university decision-making.

As a VP of Activities and Opportunities, I would work in line with other members of the Student Union to establish a centralized platform for students to easily discover and participate in a wide range of activities and opportunities on campus. Organize regular feedback sessions and surveys to gather input from students and continuously improve the quality and relevance of our offerings. Collaborate with local organisations to create volunteering, and network opportunities for students to gain practical experience and build professional connections.

In Conclusion: I believe that by fostering inclusivity, embracing innovative and empowering students, we can create a vibrant and enriching campus community where all students can thrive and succeed. Together, let’s make 2024-25 academic year a memorable and transformative experience for all!

Thank you for considering me for the role of VP of Activities and Opportunities. Together we succeed and shape the future.

Feel free to get in contact with me to ask me any questions about my ideas by email:



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Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

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