
Candidate for the position of VP Education 2024-25



Your voice on council.

Hi Everyone, I am Pranvi Gupta running for the position of Vice-President of Education in tge upcoming elections. Currently, I am pursuing Masters in Public Health and also represents School of Social Sciences and Professions as a student rep. Also, I am involved actively in the Student Council as Deputy Chair for the current year. Earlier back in my hometown, I have been involved with NGOs in raising the issues related to women safety and hygiene with running a campaign of educating girls about the same in schools.

My visions:

1. To work closely with the Student Reps for better understanding of the day-to-day issues faced by the students.

- Holding regular meeting with Student Reps. 

- Working closely to be able to provide the best solutions to the students.

- Creation of Focus groups for better reach out by the students.

2. Being the student voice.

- Working proactively and raising issues requiring solutions on priority.

- Providing more information about the accomodation options available for international students.

- Fee receipts confirmations to be sent once recieved would be main focus.

- Holding regular meet-ups for international students to interact and make friends for ease of comfort.

3. Together with VP Activities.

- Arrange alumni meets for a better understanding of the job market presently.

- Creation of safe groups for different schools so that the new students can connect with former universitty students for guidance.

4. Quality of Education.

- Mentor feedback will be encouraged.

- Mental Health awareness and support groups will be made more reachable.

- Support for students whose first language is not English.

I value the transparency and the student voice is the most important of all as they are the ones who come away from their homes for better and quality education, so making them comfortable is the utmost priority. My mission is that all students should grow, be productive and responsible in their lives. Vision is to be able to reach out to every student possible and help them to overcome all their problems, to be good leaders tomorrow. I have an honour to represent you all for a better tomorrow. Together we can become leaders and stand for the good.

Vote for Pranvi Gupta for VP Education




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Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.