
Candidate for the position of Student Council members 2024-25



My name is Margarita Damai, and I'm running for the position of women's officer. I believe every woman should have a voice, follow her dreams and achieve her goals, regardless of age, background or experience. I am here to support you towards your academic journey.  

Who Am I?

I am a second-year biomedical science student.  I joined LondonMet two years ago: after completing my foundation year, I was elected as a full-time officer. I work in the university as a school rep assistant and a social media ambassador. Also, I'm a society leader: the secretary of music society, Verve TV News Lead, and president of the scientific society.

Why vote for me?

  1. I believe that I have the right skills, knowledge and experience for this position, as I have been a full-time officer and am aware of the main issues affecting students at LondonMet.
  2. I have been working with the university stakeholders for the last 2 years. Therefore, I have the right connection needed to initiate/propose a change.
  3. I am open to changes and new ideas, I will be there to hear your suggestions and work together on them.

My promises to you:

  1. I want to create a safer space for women students: the university should be a place you can call home, and together we can make it happen
  2. I want to improve the employability and career opportunities for women students: this can be done by organisms more career-focused fairs or workshops for you;
  3. Lobby the university to increase the support towards women students with caring responsibilities/mothers, etc.
  4. Monthly interactive activities tailored to women students
  5. Weekly catch-up forums for mother students.
  6. Support the international women students who study at LondonMet.

I believe that everything can be achieved. No matter how difficult things can be, I will never, ever give up. I am not afraid of failing; it only contributes to a stronger passion for my goals. My life motto is A winner never quits; a quitter never WINS". If you truly want something, then it will come to you. I will either find a way or, I will make a new one.  There is nothing stopping you and your fierce desires. 

Of course, I am unable to achieve all of this on my own! Because I need you! Just believe in me, give me your hand, and let me be your voice. Let me lead you towards your success. 



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