
Candidate for the position of Student Council members 2024-25



"BoldHER. BuildHER. EmpowHER."

"BoldHER. BuildHER. EmpowHER."

Ever feel the untapped power around you? I’m Gayatri Shetty (Gee), and I'm not just running; I’m revolutionizing the role of Women’s Officer. Brace yourself for a surge of empowerment, unity, and positive disruption.


Imagine a campus where every woman not only finds her voice but amplifies it. I’m here to ignite confidence, shatter barriers, and transform London Met into a haven of unstoppable women.

Key Issues

Shatter Stereotypes: Challenge the confinements of stereotypes.
Ignite Creativity: Infuse art, culture, and creativity into gender conversations.
Break the Silence: Carve out safe spaces for open dialogues on real issues.

Action Plans

Guerilla Art Transformations: Revolutionize campus spaces to challenge perceptions.
FemmeFest: An annual celebration of creativity, showcasing talents and sparking discussions.
#BreakingSilence Initiative: Inspire courageous conversations on taboo topics.

Collaboration and Engagement

This isn't a solo mission. Partner with clubs, societies, and rebels with a cause. Together, let’s create an unstoppable force.

Diversity and Inclusivity

Our strength lies in our diversity, ensuring every woman's story is not just told but celebrated. It's time to paint with all the colors in our palette.

Empowerment and Support

Women-to-Women Mentorship: Because sometimes, all you need is someone who’s walked in your shoes.
Triumph Amplification: Let’s broadcast your achievements from the highest rooftops.

Awareness and Education

Canvas of Consent: Utilize art to spotlight the importance of consent, body positivity, and more.
Lunch & Learn Series: Bite-sized sessions on crucial topics during lunch breaks.

London Met, we're not just a community; we're a movement. Let's ascend together, shatter norms, and redefine what it means to be a London Met woman.

Ready to break free? Vote Gee for Women's Officer. Let’s co-author the legacy of London Met, together.


Harglenis Building

166-220 Holloway Road

London, UK

N7 8DB

United Kingdom

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Old Castle Street

London, UK

E1 7NT

United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.