
Candidate for the position of VP Activities and Opportunities 2024-25



Your issues, my matter!

Hello, I am Wasim Majeed and I am a full time MSC student for public health. I have applied for the rank of VP opportunities and activities.

Before Joining London Metropolitan university last year, I was an aviation officer and completed my graduation in psychology and mass communication. I had volunteered for children and women charity where I raised money for them, this has supported them long term as they have experienced inequality and bullying. I also worked for poverty projects and tried to provide more opportunities for all. This experience helped me to discover a positive passion for social justice and activities. Diplomacy is my strength. I can evaluate the situation and choose the required steps for solution.

I applied for this role because I want to enhance the student experience by making sure that there is huge range of activities and employability opportunities are accessible. I want each student to involve as part of community, to come out from their comfort zone. I want to create a meaningful and positive impact on students ‘lives. I want to help create a world where everyone is treated equally and freedom to join opportunities and activities. I want all students to feel at home during their time at London Met and to share their experience and knowledge skills with others.


I hope to work on lots of events and campaigns relating to the issues that students face on a daily basis.I want to encourage students of both campuses to engage in student activities and opportunities, joining new groups. I want to listen to students and proactively work with you on your issues and wellbeing. I am accessible and dependable, a person who will represent your needs and concerns to university and trying to provide equal environment for students.

My aim is to help create a community at London metropolitan here all students can be supported and have their voices heard and respected. I am eager to embrace the incredible activities and opportunities that lie ahead. I will be there to address your concerns, provide resources, and promote your overall well-being. I will enhance the student experience at our university, ensuring that each and every one of us feels supported and valued.

If elected, I will be your voice, advocating for your needs and concerns. I will shape the opportunities in our university, ensuring that our voices are heard and that our ideas are implemented.


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Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.