Student Trustees

Student Trustees are appointed to be members of the Students’ Union’s Trustee Board.  Trustees are responsible for ensuring the Students’ Union has a clear vision, mission, values and strategic direction and that these are applied in our everyday work. They are responsible for the performance and behaviour of the Union, as well as developing policies and procedures. It makes key decisions in regards to the Union's finances and other important aspects. It also ensures compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.


Being a Student Trustee is a fantastic opportunity to broaden your understanding of charity governance, gain experience in strategic, financial and legal oversight and ensure that the voice of students is represented in the highest decision-making body of the Students’ Union.   Being a Student Trustee also provides a huge opportunity to improve your confidence and gain a unique experience and invaluable skills that will really make your CV stand out.


Have a look at the role description for Student Trustees here

Find out more about what Trustees do here


Harglenis Building

166-220 Holloway Road

London, UK

N7 8DB

United Kingdom

Privacy policy

Advertise to Students




Old Castle Street

London, UK

E1 7NT

United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.