Student Reps

What are Student Reps?

Every course at London Met should have a Student Rep, students elected by their peers to represent the voice of students on that course. Student Reps represent the cohort (the level/year of their course) around academic and related issues affecting more than one student. They provide feedback to staff, give students a voice, raise issues on behalf of their cohort, and discuss solutions. 

Student Rep Handbook 2023-24

Election of Student Reps for 2023-24

Course Leaders or their nominees will facilitate the election of Student Reps during the first few weeks of teaching at the start of the semester. Cohorts that are 'continuing' i.e. moving from one year/level to the next one may elect their student Reps for the forthcoming academic year at the end of the previous one. re likely to have already elected their reps. New cohorts will elect their reps in October 2023. Students studying semester two start courses (February start) elect their reps at this time. All students should be given the opportunity to stand for the role and the decision reached democratically.

Brand new for autumn 2023 we have two new Student Rep recruitment videos. The video on the left gives an overview of why you should become a Student Rep. The video on the right looks at the skills you can develop by being a Student Rep:  

Student Rep Training

Live Training
We offer regular live training sessions throughout the academic year and an on-demand training option that Student Reps can complete at any time. Our live training session for 2023-24 academnic year have now concluded.

On-demand Training
Student Rep on-demand training is available via our LMSU volunteers Weblearn Organisation (also brand new). You can complete this in your own time, it will take about 45 minutes to an hour to complete.


To access it you will need to:

  • Log on to your weblearn and look for an organsation called LMSU Volunteers 2023-24. all Student Reps should be enrolled on it.
  • Click on the training called Student Rep on-demand training 2023-24 and follow the instruction on screen.
  • If you get a 'pop-up blocker' displayed just click 'Launch course.' Please note you must complete the short quiz towards the end of the training to complete it. Don't forget to fill in the feedback form and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the end of the training - thanks

LMSU requests all Student Reps to undertake training.

School Rep Assistants

School Rep Assistants are Student Reps main contact point within the Students' Union. Keep in touch with them, and inform them of the feedback you give and the issues you are raising with your teaching staff. Let them know if you are experiencing any difficulties or need any further training. School Rep Assistants are current London Met students (and often Student Reps) employed by the Students' Union to support Student Reps. They can be contacted via email and also run a weekly in-person drop in, so pop along and say hello!

Chiara Della Corte
School Rep Assistant for the Schools of Computing and Digital Media, School of Art, Architecture and Design and school of Social Sciences and Professions:

Margarita Damai
School Rep Assistant for the Guildhall School of Business and Law & School of Human Sciences and the School of Built Environment


Who is my Student Rep? 

Click here for a full list of Student Reps for 2023-24 academic year (once you click on the link you will need to log in using your usual uni username and password).

Course Committee Meetings (CCMs)

These are meetings organised by your school, rather than the Students' Union. Key stakeholders such as course leaders, other academics, library staff, and most importantly Student Reps meet to discuss and review the course. They are a time for reps to provide feedback to staff, raise issues, and discuss solutions. They are mandatory for Student Reps to attend, i.e. you must attend. Your Course Leader should ensure they are held at a time when you do not have a class. The meetings for the 2023/24 Academic Year will be announced after the academic year begins.

LMSU Volunteers 2023-24 

Once elected, Student Reps will be enrolled in our new LMSU Volunteers 2023-24 Weblearn Organisation. It is designed to be a training repository, where LMSU student volunteers (such as Student Reps) can undertake further training covering using data, leadership, equality, and diversity, safeguarding, using google mail, docs and calendar, email etiquette etc. Student Reps will be enrolled in it in October 2023. If you don't see it as an option on your weblearn by the end of October, please contact your School Rep Assistant.

Student Council, LMSU Leaders Election, and other Student Voice activities 

There are 24 seats on the Student Council reserved for Student Reps. Student Reps are also encouraged to get involved in other student voice activities such as our Members Meeting.

LMSU believes all students are leaders in the making. Let us develop your leadership skills through our Leaders mailing list. We will send you regular email updates with information on activities, workshops, and events, and similarly designed to reveal the leader in you. Perhaps you will become a candidate in our Leaders Election in March 2024? To sign up for our Leaders Mailing List please click here.

The Students' Union holds a variety of other activities and events outside of the Student Voice area. Check out our homepage for more information.

Student Rep Resources 

Student Rep Handbook 2023-24

Student Rep Role description

Decision-making flow-chart

Signposting guide

Student Rep time-line 2023-24

Summary of Course Committee Meetings (CCMs) 

Student Rep Recruitment Presentation 2023-24

Student Rep handbook 2023-24 (Course Leader version)

Heads of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes by School

Student Rep Training Presentation 2023-24


LMSU Volunteers Handbook

LMSU Volunteers Risk Assessment 

Eddie Rowley (staff)
Student Voice Manager

Tammika Chambers
VP Education



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Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 10am-5pm

The Students' Union is physically closed for Summer, if you want to contact us please e-mail or leave us an answerphone message on 020 7133 4171. E-mails will be picked up quicker by the team than answerphone messages.